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Please check our help page first, you may find the answer to your question there.

Share your experiences, comments and suggestions with us:

Submit an error: feedback@kadaza.com

Add a website

We need suggestions from our users to stay up to date and to make sure we don’t miss anything. Despite our efforts to make each category on Kadaza as complete as possible, we may left out a particular website you feel is essential. In that case please mail us at addsite@kadaza.com.

Other: info@kadaza.com


It’s possible to submit your site to a specific Kadaza category. We evaluate every site submission for inclusion in Kadaza. We care a great deal about the quality of Kadaza and are highly selective, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted. Our goal is to make Kadaza as useful as possible for our users. A rejection of your site submission doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate your site.

Please take a few moments to understand the Kadaza site selection procedure before submitting your site. Please tell us in which Kadaza category you think your site is indispensable. Email us at addsite@kadaza.com.

Advertising and Partnerships

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Jei naudojatės mūsų paslaugomis, jūs sutinkate mes ir „Google“ galime naudoti slapukus rodydami reklamą ir analizuodami mūsų duomenų srautą. Mūsų svetainę palaiko partnerių programos, pavyzdžiui, "Amazon" ir "eBay" partnerių programos, kurios leidžia mums uždirbti komisinius už nuorodas į jų svetaines. Žr. išsamią informaciją